This is a reminder for you that, “You are created for a purpose”

God beckons.

He says that you’re His creation.

He created you for a REASON.

He created you for a PURPOSE.

He said in His word that before He formed you in your mother’s womb, He knew you.

His thoughts for you are good and not evil.

He said you were good when he created you.

You are excellent.
You are unique.
You are special.
You are one of a kind.
There is no one like you.

God has embedded all the good things of life in you.

He created you in His image and likeness.

He gave you authority and power to dominate, subdue, multiply and rule the earth.

You are God’s handiwork.

Don’t let situations define you.

Life’s troubles shouldn’t define you.

Remember that you are God’s creation.

He created you for a reason.
God created you for a purpose.

Everything God created is to solve a problem.

You are here to solve a problem.

You are a solution provider.

God has put a lot of potential in you.

It is called potential because it is Latent; all you have to do is look within, embrace it, work to develop, refine it,
and begin utilizing it.

God has created you for a purpose.

You are here on earth to give God pleasure.

Being alive means your life is essential.

God’s thought for you is GOOD.

Your past shouldn’t dictate who you are.

Always remember who God has called you to be.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are priceless.
You are LIGHT
The word awaits your manifestation.

So be intentional about your life.
I’ll say again; be intentional.

Do you want to start living a purposeful life?

Join the intentional life community and follow for more tips.

I remain, Tamuno Abraham,
God bless you.

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