20th September 2022

I believe in myself

I am intentional about my life.

I am full of vitality.

I attract daily abundance.

Everywhere I look, I see prosperity.

Prosperity flows to and through me.

My actions create constant wealth and abundance.

I have a positive attitude that can bring me success.

I’m the light of the World.

The world needs my light, and I am not afraid to shine.

Every day I become more confident, powerful, and successful.

I am a powerful creator. The Holy Spirit inspires me and I create innovative products.

I am surrounded by positive and supportive people who believe in me.

I make worthwhile contributions to the world.

I am competent and smart.

Every day I am becoming a better version of myself.

My body, mind, and spirit are powerful and align with God’s will for my life.

I’m gifted and skillful.

I am humble yet confident.

I face challenging situations with courage and conviction.

I have all I need to make today a great day.

I always see the good in others and myself.

I am a goal-getter.

I am committed to achieving success in every area of my life.

I stay focused on my vision and pursue my daily work with passion.

I’m intentional.


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