Tamuno Abraham


20th September 2022

I believe in myself I am intentional about my life. I am full of vitality. I attract daily abundance. Everywhere I look, I see prosperity. Prosperity flows to and through me. My actions create constant wealth and abundance. I have a positive attitude that can bring me success. I’m the light of the World. The …

20th September 2022 Read More »

command the week - intentional life changers

19th September 2022

Welcome to today’s session on “Command The Week” May the LORD bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace in Jesus name.

how to discover your purpose

How to discover your purpose

Until Purpose is discovered existence has no meaning. You need to know the mind of God for creating you in order to live a fulfilling life. When you don’t know WHY you’re here on Earth, you’re more likely to abuse yourself, live life anyhow, and remain perpetually dissatisfied. You are stuck, perplexed, dissatisfied, and unfulfilled …

How to discover your purpose Read More »


13th September 2022

I affirm that I am intentional about my life. I am confident in myself and my abilities. My talents make me valuable and unique. I love every obstacle I face because they offer new learning lessons. I love and respect my body by treating it well. I take care of myself and my body. I …

13th September 2022 Read More »

command the week - intentional life changers

12th September 2022

It’s another beautiful day to appreciate God and bless him for his mercies. Surely, God’s goodness and mercy shall follow you and you shall dwell in the house of God forever in Jesus name. YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Go and shine forth your light. Be intentionalI’ll say again: be intentional.

what is purpose - intentional life changers

Knowing and Living a Life of Purpose

Knowing and living a life of Purpose beautifies your life. Today’s session opened our eyes to why we need to know and live a life of purpose. Kindly comment below If you learned something. God bless you. Be intentional.


6th September 2022

I’m not a slave of my past. I walk away from my past. I forgive quickly. My emotions do not control me. I’m emotionally Stable. I’m led by the spirit of God always. I activate the fruit of the spirit in me. I love unconditionally. I have joy. I have peace of mind. I’m patient. …

6th September 2022 Read More »

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